The TBPod

Child and Adolescent Tuberculosis

March 23, 2022 Actnet

Tuberculosis is a global health priority and a major cause of child and adolescent morbidity and mortality.  Approximately 1.5 million children and adolescents are infected with tuberculosis each year. Tuberculosis in children and adolescence is often overlooked by health providers and can be difficult to treat and diagnose. Professor Steve Graham will provide an overview of the current state of play in child and adolescent tuberculosis including the scale of the problem and our progress in reaching global targets.

Prof Graham is a Paediatrician with 20 years' experience in international child health including African and Asia-Pacific regions. He is a founding member of the Child Tuberculosis (TB) subgroup of World Health Organization (WHO) Stop TB Partnership, as well as being a member of the Strategic Technical Advisory Group on TB for the WHO, as well as research committees for Wellcome Trust, UK, and National Institutes of Health, USA.