The TBPod
The TBPod
Understanding TB Screening Tests
Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr Geoff Eather from the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane about his work and research on TST and IGRA screening for tuberculosis. This was a fantastic experience to learn more about these incredibly common tests from an expert in this field of research.
Auguste, Peter, et al. "Comparing interferon-gamma release assays with tuberculin skin test for identifying latent tuberculosis infection that progresses to active tuberculosis: systematic review and meta-analysis." BMC infectious diseases 17 (2017): 1-13.
Campbell, Jonathon R., Nicholas Winters, and Dick Menzies. "Absolute risk of tuberculosis among untreated populations with a positive tuberculin skin test or interferon-gamma release assay result: systematic review and meta-analysis." bmj 368 (2020).
Dobler, Claudia C., et al. "Risk of tuberculosis in patients with solid cancers and haematological malignancies: a systematic review and meta-analysis." European Respiratory Journal 50.2 (2017).
Mulenga, Humphrey, et al. "Performance of diagnostic and predictive host blood transcriptomic signatures for Tuberculosis disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis." PLoS One 15.8 (2020): e0237574.
Rangaka, Molebogeng X., et al. "Predictive value of interferon-γ release assays for incident active tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis." The Lancet infectious diseases12.1 (2012): 45-55.
Tagmouti, Saloua, et al. "Reproducibility of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) release assays. A systematic review." Annals of the American Thoracic Society 11.8 (2014): 1267-1276.