The TBPod
The TBPod
Differentiating TB from Sarcoid
Today we have the pleasure of speaking to both Professor Leonard (Respiratory physician and director of the sarcoidosis service for Manchester Foundation Trust) and Dr Montero (director of cellular pathology for Wythenshawe Hospital) about the complex interplay between these two illnesses and how best to approach complex patients with uncertain diagnosis of granulomatous disease.
Agrawal, Rupesh, et al. "Tuberculosis or sarcoidosis: opposite ends of the same disease spectrum?." Tuberculosis 98 (2016): 21-26.
Baughman, Robert P., et al. "ERS clinical practice guidelines on treatment of sarcoidosis." European respiratory journal58.6 (2021).
Fang, Chuling, Hui Huang, and Zuojun Xu. "Immunological evidence for the role of mycobacteria in sarcoidosis: a meta-analysis." PLoS One 11.8 (2016): e0154716.
Malkova, Anna, et al. "The opposite effect of human leukocyte antigen genotypes in sarcoidosis and tuberculosis: A narrative review of the literature." ERJ Open Research 6.3 (2020).
Mortaz, Esmaeil, Ian M. Adcock, and Peter J. Barnes. "Sarcoidosis: Role of non-tuberculosis mycobacteria and Mycobacterium tuberculosis." International journal of mycobacteriology 3.4 (2014): 225-229.