The TBPod
The TBPod
How WGS is shaping the public health in Australia
Today we speak with Professor Justin Denholm about his work with the National TB Advisory Committee in Australia and the role whole genome sequencing (WGS) has in public health. Professor Denholm talks about how WGS is expanding the way we think about tuberculosis and how this WGS can bring us into a new age of TB elimination strategy.
1. Ferdinand, Angeline S., et al. "An implementation science approach to evaluating pathogen whole genome sequencing in public health." Genome Medicine 13 (2021): 1-11.
2. Dale, Katie, et al. "Whole genome sequencing for tuberculosis in Victoria, Australia: A genomic implementation study from 2017 to 2020." The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific28 (2022).
3. Donnan, Ellen J., et al. "The use of whole genome sequencing for tuberculosis public health activities in Australia: a joint statement of the National Tuberculosis Advisory Committee and Communicable Diseases Genomics Network." Communicable Diseases Intelligence 47 (2023).
4. Al Abri, Seif, et al. "Tools to implement the World Health Organization End TB Strategy: Addressing common challenges in high and low endemic countries." International Journal of Infectious Diseases 92 (2020): S60-S68.
5. Migliori, Giovanni Battista, et al. "The path to tuberculosis elimination: a renewed vision." European Respiratory Journal61.6 (2023).