The TBPod
The TBPod
TB Contact Tracing and Building Research in TB with Prof Philip Hill
Prof Greg Fox speaks with Prof Philip Hill about TB household contact tracing and building research capacity in TB.
Prof Hill is an ID specialist and public health physician who did his PhD in TB Epidemiology. He is the current McAuley Chair in International Health as well as being Founding Direction & Co-Director of the Centre for International Health at the University of Otago.
1) Martinez, Leonardo, et al. "The risk of tuberculosis in children after close exposure: a systematic review and individual-participant meta-analysis." The Lancet 395.10228 (2020): 973-984.
2) Hill, Philip C., et al. "Incidence of tuberculosis and the predictive value of ELISPOT and Mantoux tests in Gambian case contacts." PLoS One 3.1 (2008): e1379.
3) Martinez, Leonardo, et al. "Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in households and the community: a systematic review and meta-analysis." American journal of epidemiology 185.12 (2017): 1327-1339.
4) Martinez, Leonardo, et al. "Paediatric tuberculosis transmission outside the household: challenging historical paradigms to inform future public health strategies." The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 7.6 (2019): 544-552.
5) Hill, Philip C., and Martin OC Ota. "Tuberculosis case-contact research in endemic tropical settings: design, conduct, and relevance to other infectious diseases." The Lancet infectious diseases 10.10 (2010): 723-732.
6) Alisjahbana, Bachti, et al. "Are neighbourhoods of tuberculosis cases a high-risk population for active intervention? A protocol for tuberculosis active case finding." Plos one 16.8 (2021): e0256043.