The TBPod
The TBPod
Frontiers in Clinical Tuberculosis Microbiology - New TBI Diagnostics with Prof Martineau
Professor Adrian Martineau from the Queen Mary University London talks to us about the limitations of current latent TB infection diagnosis and how we can do better. his research into whether we can use fragments of TB DNA found in bone marrow cells to better predict who should be treated with Tuberculosis Preventative Treatment.
Martineau, Adrian R., et al. "Towards a molecular microbial blood test for tuberculosis infection." International Journal of Infectious Diseases (2024): 106988.
Belay, Mulugeta, et al. "Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA in CD34-positive peripheral blood mononuclear cells of asymptomatic tuberculosis contacts: an observational study." The Lancet Microbe 2.6 (2021): e267-e275.
Repele, Federica, et al. "Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in CD34+ peripheral blood mononuclear cells of adults with tuberculosis infection and disease." International Journal of Infectious Diseases 141 (2024): 106999.