The TBPod

CATAPuLT - Can we manage latent TB infection in primary care?


Dr Matthew Burman is a TB clinician and researcher from East London, Queen Mary University and the Blizzard Institute. Today he presents the data from the CATAPULT trial which randomised patients to either have their latent TB infection managed by a TB clinic in secondary care, or be managed in primary care by their GP in concert with a community pharmacist. This amazing trial re-evaluates how we think about TB preventative therapy and looks at new ways of approaching the burden of latent TB infection.


Burman, M., et al. "Protocol for a cluster randomised control trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of treatment for latent tuberculosis infection in recent migrants within primary care: the CATAPuLT trial." BMC Public Health 19 (2019): 1-7.

Goswami, Neela D., et al. "Predictors of latent tuberculosis treatment initiation and completion at a US public health clinic: a prospective cohort study." BMC public health 12 (2012): 1-8.

Loutet, Miranda G., et al. "National roll-out of latent tuberculosis testing and treatment for new migrants in England: a retrospective evaluation in a high-incidence area." European Respiratory Journal 51.1 (2018).

Alsdurf, Hannah, et al. "The cascade of care in diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis." The Lancet Infectious Diseases 16.11 (2016): 1269-1278.